At 2BK Vegetable Farm we don't just plant seeds. We water them until they grow. Then pick off the bounties, time after time. Ensuring customers are served the freshest vegetables this side of the world. We like to think that this is great business. Sure, to you all it is why you shop at 2BK Farm, but the real treasure is what happens in those fields. In the washing station and most of all in life.
Year after year, we see the some of the same smiling faces. Excited to see old friends and jump back into the stories that paused, when the last stalk of corn was picked last season.
Then there are our new faces. Oh, our precious newbies! Nervous of their first day of work. Grasping onto that lunch bag like it’s the last lifeline that they have from home. It’s funny to us. We know that one the ice is broken, these little twirps are going to love this place and make the greatest friendships over peas and carrots!
We teach our 2BK farmhands about seed germination. Show them the proper way to water those sprouts. How to weed and hoe the earth- ensuring a safe place for vegetables to grow. Then the time comes to pick the vegetables. Carefully they sort, wash and prepare our bounties for the shelves or markets. Farming vegetables is tough work and let’s face it, some aren’t ready for how intense it can be- and that is 100% okay.
Some will advance into driving machinery. Running workstations. Becoming field leaders and some eventually become farm ambassadors at markets!
Our farmhands don't just 'work' here at 2BK. Many are working to gain work experience hours, thanks to an amazing program the local high school has. What they ALL are doing is learning to be great stewards of the land. Learning what hard work is all about and they're building character doing so.
We are so proud of each and everyone of our 2BK Family Members. Each one, in their very own way, makes our farm what it is today. The environment is rich with love. The laughs are contagious and the memories... well those are going to last a lifetime.
We can't wait to share the stories that will come out of these fields this year, nevermind the vegetables!
Hang on tight, 2020 is ramping up!